Flub Dup

Now I’m a drummer man in a Carib steel band
And I got a sense of riddum dat’s de best in de land,
But when de udder day de missis put she head upon me chest
She say ‘I tink you heart done lost its beat, you better take a rest.

O gimme back de riddum of my heartbeat:
Flub dup, flub dup, flub dup,
Dat’s de way I like it, nice and sweet,
Flub dup, flub dup, flub dup.

Now I never learned a lot ‘bout what goes on inside de chest
But I’m worried dat dis lack of riddum causes cardiac arrest.
And when I do de vocals I keep getting’ outta breath ’
Jeez Lord, I’m wheezing down de road to early death.

De Doc look me over an’ he raps an explanation:
‘Man, what you got dere is called a fibrillation.
No need to panic ‘bout dis revelation,
But we don’ wan a clot to block you circulation.

‘Listen man, you gotta take some daily medication
Or else a sudden stroke will cause extermination.
Dese pills will keep de blood free from coagulation.
Dat’s one hundred pounds please for de consultation.’

So I take a pill a day to keep de blood nice and thin.
And dis ting dat save my life dey call it warfarin.
Dat’s de stuff dey use to kill off all de rats ’
Makes dem bleed to death and get eaten up by cats.

O gimme back de riddum of my heartbeat:
Flub dup, flub dup, flub dup,
Dat’s de way I like it, nice and sweet,
Flub dup, flub dup, flub dup.